Friday, 26 October 2007


Hi Mrs Randall here
Hope you all had a good half term, I'm sure you are going to enjoy the next half term CHRISTMAS!
Well as promised a glimpse of something to come, year six staff are going to organise something special for some of you, tonight I have a visitor I will let her tell you about it.........

Hello everyone Mrs Hudson here
After our literacy work on fairy stories, how about seeing a fairy story at the cinema.
Not a common or garden story, but a tale of goodies, baddies, magic,adventure and hopefully a happy ending.

We're going back to our cuppa now, so why not take a look at the trailer

Look out for more news on this blog site.

1 comment:

group1 said...

hi mrs randle thks for the tips on english they were realy helpful .i love it that we are doin the wreak of the zanzibar again it means that when u read the book again u get to see things that u missed last time its sort of wen u watch a film and when u wath it again u see things tht u missed and i cant wait 2 hear the ending aswell.i also lloved the book called the white lion coz it got such a freeky endin and u realy need to think about it.

p.s sorry that i'm writin so much i just want to cathch up on all the weeks that i've missed c u bryoni xxxxxx