Friday, 26 October 2007


Hi Mrs Randall here
Hope you all had a good half term, I'm sure you are going to enjoy the next half term CHRISTMAS!
Well as promised a glimpse of something to come, year six staff are going to organise something special for some of you, tonight I have a visitor I will let her tell you about it.........

Hello everyone Mrs Hudson here
After our literacy work on fairy stories, how about seeing a fairy story at the cinema.
Not a common or garden story, but a tale of goodies, baddies, magic,adventure and hopefully a happy ending.

We're going back to our cuppa now, so why not take a look at the trailer

Look out for more news on this blog site.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007


Group one now have a password.

So you can keep in touch and let me know what you think about the books we are reading and what you are up to, I look forward to reading your blogs, don't forget to put you name to your blog.

I loved the Butterfly Lion, especially the ending, I didn't expect that, did you?

Look out for a blog about something that might be happening in the future (very exciting and a first for Saint Thomas)